August 3, 2014


**To be featured on KCTV5's Better Kansas City on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 in the 9:00 a.m. hour**

Hi, guys! 

This weekend I finally got to do a little DIY project that I've been wanting to do for over a year now. I'm not sure what took me so long. It was so EASY, super CHEAP and turned out GREAT!

You need:
+ Miniature plastic toy animals
+ Any jar(s) with a lid
+ Super Glue
+ Spray paint 

Super glue your animal to the top of the lid, let it dry, spray paint your lid/animal in your favorite spray paint. (I have found that metallic spray paints and spray paints made for plastic work the best, and can be done in one coat. If you use a thinner spray paint you will need to do two-three coats). Once the paint is dry, fill your jar with whatever you want and screw on the lid. That's it. So dang easy. 

Aren't they cute?!?

There are so many possibilities for these adorable jars...

Bathroom storage:

Office storage:

Candy/snack bar:

Party favors:

I got most the jars/containers at the Dollar Tree, and used mason jars I already had on hand. I started out looking for the miniature toy animals at Dollar Tree and Walmart, but didn't have much luck finding the smaller animals, so I went to Amazon, where I can find everything under the sun.

I ordered a TOOB of miniature animals and a small package of miniature dinosaurs pretty inexpensively, and they arrived on my doorstep in two days (Prime, I love you!). I also ordered some mini flamingos from Amazon because as you know, I love me some flamingos, ha.

I think they look adorable on these mini jelly mason jars! I'm so doing a pink jar tomorrow then I MUST stop. I quickly and easily did about 20 jars...I kinda went overboard, but whatever. :)

I highly recommend this project, peeps! 

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